Friday Reflections, January 28th

Each week, I hope to bring you a Friday Reflection for yourself and/or your child(ren) and something I’ve learned or loved this week in regards to mental wellness/health. In my own mental health practice, I find personal reflection to be a great way to grow and strengthen my own mental wellness. Whether you choose to journal your answers, say them aloud or think through them, comment on this post, or discuss with your friends, spouse or child(ren), I hope to use this space for you to strengthen your mental wellness and reflect. Now, for this week’s reflection.

Adult Reflections:

  • In what ways do you notice your physical health affecting your mental health?

  • Tell me about how you maintain your mental wellness. Is this an area of strength? Or an area you could improve upon?

  • If it’s an area to improve upon, how could you work on this?

Kid Reflections:

  • What does it look like to be mentally well?

  • Tell me about what a person can do to be physically well.

  • Tell me about what a person can do to be mentally well

Something I’ve loved this week:


Friday Reflections, February 4th, 2022